You Deserve to Have an Elite MAP Coach on Your Side

Merle Haverkamp

Location: Germany and Greece (German / English)


  • Anxiety
  • Grief
  • Self-Worth
  • Sexuality
  • Trauma
  • Spiritual Crisis
Get Started Today

About Merle

Missing self worth, success, ease, personal fulfillment, brave or maybe happiness (have you missed it for such a long time, that you don’t trust in reaching it again? I can read your thoughts! Just joking…) You are looking for better relationships and efforts in your life? But you get stuck by thinking about old painful events, your or others faults, fears about a future maybe full of hurt or having issues in relationship to yourself, your body or others? Missing your passion and trust in love and universe?
Deep grief or frustration hang around you? Here we go. Why should you give yourself a chance - and also to work with me? Because YOU deserve a better life and can reach it! And I know what I am talking about, when I use the sentence „Life can be very hard stuff or a big adventure.“ I give my best to empower woman and man to come back to: sparkling fire in the eyes, singing in the heart, sensual body, clarity and focus in mind and daily life - and last but not least trustful flowing with the life itself. I can’t help you with mathematics, but if you honestly want to stand up for yourself and a better life and are willing to learn and explore how to reach it, I will be here to support you!

Learn more on how I can help you.

Email: [email protected]
Phone #:  +4915773643213

Social Media


Other Credentials

  • Licensed Psychotherapist (15+ years)
  • Trauma Therapist
  • Sexual Empowerment Mentor
  • Certified Female Speaker

Merle Is On The Front Lines Helping People Like You Breakthrough



Anne B.

Finance Consultant

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 5 Star Rating!

„Before the coaching I felt insecure and didn’t trust myself a lot. I had a lot of relationship issues and family trouble. Merle always helped me to find MY ways and not to convince me about something. I felt so much trust, that I convinced myself to book online coaching, which I never did before. All the time I felt very protected and well guided. We cleared up a lot. Now I can help myself again.“

Tim S.


⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 5 Star Rating!

„If you expect boring and exhausting hours of therapy you will be disappointed. Every session brings new insights and unexpected aspects. Merle is able to light you up with her intuitive insights, experience, creativity and good humor. I never had an hour where I didn’t feel a lot better after meeting her and were able to create new ideas. MAP works also great to bring you through your stuff and after that to reach your personal goals. High recommendation for this coaching!“

Alex R.


⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 5 Star Rating!

„Before working with Merle I had less trust in myself, I avoided to go out because of social anxiety and less self-worth. I felt depressed and lonely. I always dreamed to visit university, but was too shy to start there after my first apprenticeship. We figured out the roots of my drama, mapped them, made some training, laughed a lot together and now I am enrolled to become a biologist.“

Theresa H.

 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 5 Star Rating!

„I started therapy because of some traumatic events I couldn’t forget. After a worse experience with another therapist I found my way to Merle. Here I was able to share things I never told someone else, which were very shameful for me. And luckily some things I hadn’t to explain as we cleared it with MAP - and there was no need to talk about events in detail, but it worked also very well. I value her compassionate and successful way of guidance through my crisis.“ 

Sophia M.

Sales Manager

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 5 Star Rating!

„I never thought I would understand myself and my soul-body-connection in such a short time. Merle helped me to clear blockages, I had very long time in my life and which reduced my ability to work. It changed my life and was like magic.

Christian K.

Business Owner

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 5 Star Rating!

„I had a burnout and nearly lost my business with many employees through it. I had no idea, that my unconcsious beliefs and old stories from my ancestry were so strong, that they kicked me off. It was like an awakening to understand the processes and getting a tool to clear all the stuff. MAP is amazing and I am so grateful for Merle´s professional and always on the point help! I recommend it warmly to everybody, who wants to step forward fast!“
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Services & Coaching Packages

Choose from a variety of different services and packages.

The Portal

179 EUR / 192 USD 

Your Personal Introsession via Zoom: 90 Minutes to explore MAP with a first task of yours. You experience the effects and find clarity about the possibilities for yourself. Before we start you need to watch a short intro-video to be prepared well, I will send you the link if you have made the appointment. After the session you will receive some short inputs to work on. 

Better Than Holiday

719 EUR /  767 USD 

Four Session Package of up to 90 minutes/Session for your personal development. We set your goals for the sessions and begin to work with MAP laser-focused for fast success. In-between the sessions you will have some „home-play“ to explore and settle the needed steps to go forward.

Treasure Hunt Pro

1699 EUR / 1812 USD

10 Session Package up to 90 min/Session. You receive the full power of constant work to reach your real dream life in the area you have chosen to improve. After this sessions you are an expert of your own running systems and are ready to face your next challenges without fear as you know exactly what to do. You will be surprised for sure, if you commit to your journey. We report your progress and you will be proud of yourself.

Female Rising Star

699 EUR / 749 USD

3 MAP Sessions and 1 soft Womb-Healing Session. Especially recommended if you have trouble with heartbreak, loss, extreme jealousy or other relationship issues or even if you feel disconnect from your female energy.

Neither Nor


Let´s discuss in a short Zoom call your need and we will find a handmade solution for you. Please feel also free to contact me, if you feel an inner call, but don’t know how to manage being part of this self empowerment adventure.


this discovery call is a free no-obligation chat (done on-line via zoom)
to get to know each other and figure out which of my programs or services will best meet your needs should you choose to work with me. 

Click and book a time with me to chat about your situation to
move you forward with clarity!

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