How Colette Streicher And Dr. Flint Collaborated To Make MAP A Reality

map origin story
Dr. Garry A. Flint mentored Colette Streicher


At the tender age of nine, Colette experienced a sudden traumatic family event that became a critical turning point in her life. This is the day she decided to do everything in her power to be happy, create a happy family, and help those who wanted to be happy too.

This quest led her to move to the United States in 1995. She enrolled in the University of Houston and completed her master’s in social work (LMSW) specializing in family therapy. In addition to her therapy work, Colette found a new passion for helping high achievers such as business owners, leaders, and athletes reach their goals and dreams.

She became more fascinated with positive psychology and peak performance, helping people improve and reach their full potential by creating a success mindset. Colette soon started training and working with pioneers in cutting-edge energy psychology over her last 20 years in practice, including being trained by Gary Craig in EFT.

Meanwhile, psychologist Dr. Garry A. Flint retired in Canada…

Dr. Flint had spent his entire career working with clients suffering from the deepest psychiatric issues, such as psychosis, personality disorders, and survivors of deep traumas. Through his decades of work and research, he stumbled upon a breakthrough healing method: Process Healing.

The discovery of the Process Healing Method took him by surprise. “The subconscious could do the treatment inside the patient.” For over 12 years, Dr. Flint completed research and personal study using this process before publishing his book, A Theory and Treatment of Your Personality: A Manual for Change.

Dr. Flint said,

“It was the combination of observation, ignorance of clinical theory, and training in hypnosis, Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP) and several new, effective treatment methods, that resulted in the development of Process Healing as a powerful treatment method.

It was remarkably effective. The three properties of the subconscious—ease of communication, access to all memories, and a method of changing memories—make the subconscious an excellent ally in any treatment setting.”

Fate brought Colette and Dr. Flint together, where peak performance meets trauma and personality disorders.

“I have found a canon to kill a fly!”

If Dr. Flint could help neutralize negative beliefs at the core of personality disorders, then Colette could easily handle any limiting beliefs her clients had.

Colette enjoyed success with her clients using techniques adapted from the most cutting-edge therapies such as quantum techniques, EFT, BodyTalk, Resonance Repatterning, etc. Yet, she often found herself frustrated at the limitations of these techniques in resolving deeply anchored and complex blocks, especially money blocks.

Colette wanted to find and treat her clients’ unconscious limiting beliefs and self-sabotaging patterns easily and effectively. She continued to search for new methods and techniques that would allow her to help her clients effectively.

Through her relentless research, Colette found Dr. Flint’s book on personality disorders and eventually asked for his mentorship in late 2013, which he graciously agreed to provide. When she adapted his process, she knew she had found what she had been searching for—an easy, fast, and effective way to find and neutralize unconscious negative beliefs, memories, and emotions.

Colette often says, “I felt like I had found a cannon to kill a fly.” If Dr. Flint could help neutralize negative beliefs at the core of personality disorders, she could easily help her clients release their limiting beliefs.

The making of the Make Anything Possible™ coaching process

Colette spent six months studying Dr. Flint’s book, taking notes, summarizing, and asking questions to understand his approach fully. She tested Dr. Flint’s healing approach on clients with great results.

She extracted specific techniques from Process Healing that would help her clients reach their performance goals.

Then she added what she felt was essential in success coaching, such as:

  • Ideas from the European healing concept called Biodecoding, to help clear family history traumas (essential to clear money blocks).
  • Knowledge of the Chinese meridians.
  • Knowledge of the Hinduism system of chakras.

She continued to design the entire process to help her clients release their self-sabotaging beliefs, so their beliefs could fully align with their dreams and goals.

Colette decided to call the resulting method Make Anything Possible™ or MAP for short.

MAP’s key feature is leveraging the client’s Superconscious for healing.

While Dr. Flint uses the client’s subconscious mind to handle the treatment, Colette found herself channeling the term Superconscious, which is similar to what pioneer psychiatrist Carl Jung referenced in his work.

The Superconscious is far superior to the client’s subconscious mind in terms of its intelligence. It is also known as the client’s Higher Self. It remembers everything, knows everything, and never gets hurt.

This is why in the MAP protocol, we ask the client’s permission to connect to his/her Superconscious to take charge of the healing process.

With the creation of MAP, Colette had finally fulfilled an unconscious personal quest.

When the creation of MAP felt complete, Colette realized she had fulfilled an urgent personal quest she had not been aware of for the past few decades. She had unconsciously been trying to save her mother, who had been depressed, alcoholic, and suicidal. Though Colette had already done years of inner work to heal and release her family trauma, she yearned for her mother to be willing to heal herself. Yet, her mother refused all kinds of help and eventually passed away. While creating this new modality, Colette was unconsciously asking herself, “Is this modality so gentle and effective that my mother would have accepted it?” When she finally heard an internal "Yes!", she knew that MAP was finally completed.


Creating a systemized model of the MAP Method™

Valentin Streicher (Colette’s son) dramatically improved and systemized the learning of MAP. Following two years of world travel, he was clear about his mission and wanted to develop his career in personal growth. Before his journey, he had studied many healing techniques.

When he became familiar with MAP, he realized that the sessions needed to be client-centered, enabling the client’s innate wisdom to guide the session and allow the MAP coach to act as a facilitator for the process.

Valentin spent around three years in research and development. He created a protocol that systematically explores the client's entire mental, emotional, and even energetic blueprint. This serves as a guidance system for the MAP Session.

He then developed the current training curriculum and became the head trainer at the Institute. The MAP Certification Program was officially born. This revolutionary system is being taught to coaches and therapists worldwide as a powerful adjunct to their current practices. We taught and certified our first global online class of MAP practitioners in 2017 and are teaching version 3.0 as of 2022.


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